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Drawing from a vast knowledge of local invasive species and ecosystem function, we conduct detailed field surveys for inventory purposes, as well as analyzing site data in order to recommend the most effective integrated management strategy.

We use a GIS platform to digitally collect data for all invasive plant activities and can be provided to clients as part of our services.


When selling a property in BC, owners are now obligated under the Property Disclosure Statement to identify noxious or invasive weeds on the property. We can help property owners and Realtors identify infestations and recommend the most suitable control measures.

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We assist land managers establish goals and objectives for landscapes that they manage, and using a combination of background information, inventory data and legislation, we can develop a formal strategy or plan document to help accomplish those goals.


An Invasive Plant Management Plan will guide managers in making decisions for control and prevention surrounding invasive and noxious weeds on public and private property.

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